The State of Plone Caching

When & Where

Day: Thursday
Time: 09:55 - 10:40
Room: Wessex Suite
Audience: Developers, Integrators.


The old workhorse, CacheFu, has long been on everyone's must-install list of Plone add-ons. For Plone 4, the new solution is now This session will discuss the latest developments in both products, with a greater emphasis on the bright and shiny bits.

Learn how to install and customize these products, how to diagnose issues and benchmark performance, what are split-views and how to cache them correctly, what are the cache engineering tradeoffs when dealing with composite views, how to set up a proxy the right way, and some more miscellaneous tricks of the trade as time permits and mood swings allow.


Ricardo Newbery


Ricardo Newbery is a former physics researcher and instructor who now spends much of the time developing applications and troubleshooting issues for people who need robust high performance web content management solutions.

Mr. Newbery is a contributor to the Plone CMS project and the release manager for, plone., z3c., plone.cachepurging, plone.recipe.squid, and the CacheFu collection of products.

It's also been rumored that Mr. Newbery is so engaging and informative that people will stop eating and tending to their personal grooming requirements as they stand transfixed by the power of his personality for hours on end. Or maybe not.