Faceted navigation on Plone

When & Where

Day: Thursday
Time: 09:00 - 09:45
Room: Malborough Room
Audience: Developers, Integrators, Designers, Case Study.


General presentation of navigation.

Presentation of eea.navigation, ways to use, customize and integrate with your Plone site.


Alin Voinea

Eau de Web

My name is Alin Voinea and I work with Zope/Plone/Python since 2003. I worked with the most popular Zope 2 based frameworks like Plone, Nuxeo CPS, Silva and Naaya. I also contributed with a lot of open-source add-ons and code.

I believe that I will be an engaging session leader as I am the main developer of this powerful product used to effectively find content in large collections called eea.navigation and I want to make it more popular to the Plone community.