Solving social network fatigue with Plone

When & Where

Day: Wednesday
Time: 10:10 - 10:55
Room: Dutchess 3+4
Audience: Developers, Integrators, Case Study.


Modern websites rather than being seen as isolated islands are understood as nodes in larger networks. It is increasingly important to keep an active interaction with networks. Several organizations are struggling with limited resources in order to keep up with multiple networks leading to what has been called as network fatigue. We have developed a new Plone product that uses the content types in order to automatically publish relevant content in a format that is understood by the respective networks.


David Jonas

INTK Software

David Jonas is a computer science engineer currently based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Currently partner at INTK Software and working at V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media as a software developer for artistic research and development, he adapts the power of Plone as the front line of innovative online strategies for cultural institutes.

His views on online archiving have been presented on several conferences such as Digital Strategies for Heritage, Take away museum, Media Libraries and Archives for the 21st century, etc.